A Great Investment!

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A Great Investment!

When you connect with someone’s heart and mind in a way that changes their trajectory going forward something rather beautiful happens.

Not only do they grow but you grow too.

Not only is it incredibly fulfilling its also a massive responsibility.

When you create a container of trust, magical things happen.

Not every Sales Leader is ready or able to create this container and culture but the ones that do, stand out. They are super heroes.

That doesn’t mean that you have to be special to become one of these leaders…you simply have to want to do it.

It’s a choice

It’s not an easy path which is why lots of Sales Leaders don’t take it. It takes determination, commitment and an acceptance that you are not as great as you think you are. That you are not the finished article. That you have more to learn.

You have to want to be more, do more and achieve more but not in an egotistical way…you have to want it for your team. It’s not about you it’s about them.

Today I was reminded of one such leader. A leader that changed the lives of all those who worked for him. A leader that cared so much about his team that he wanted to develop their minds. Wanted them to get more from their job. Wanted them to be inspired and love what they do.

He and I worked together to develop a growth mindset culture over the years and I shared with him what he could do to support his people in the best way. To give them the freedom to try, to fail, to grow.

He took it all on board. Shared what his people were struggling with so that my next session with his team would support their mindset to face it head-on and achieve success.

Not only did his team excel and grow but when they moved on to pastures new, they excelled wherever they went. They stood out because they realised there is always more to learn, room to grow, more to be done.

Building a culture

He invested in me, in his team and in himself to create that container of trust and today I heard that he has sold his company to a big player.

He messaged me to say that everyone in his team still lived by the principles I shared with them 10 -15 years ago. Even those that arrived after my time with them lived by the values because the container and culture was in place and established on strong foundations.

I was honoured to be mentioned in his blog as someone that contributed one of the 3 values that made his company a success…

Be in your client’s map of the world

I even got a mention in the video that past and current members of his team created as a tribute to him and his outstanding leadership.

This leader shared with me that even the people that had never met me knew my name as the concepts, attitudes and culture were passed to them to embrace. What a legacy for me and for him. Together we did an awesome job!

If you have never experienced the joy of having that impact with your team you are really missing out. There really is nothing quite like it BUT it has to start with you.

If you’re up for it you best start now because it’s not a quick fix.

If you want sweet success you have to put in the work.

I will leave you with these words from Epictetus a Greek Philosopher born in 50 AD…

A person who blames others for their problems has not begun their education.

A person who blames themselves has begun their education.

A person who blames no-one has finished their education.

If you haven’t got a growth mindset culture in your sales team it would be wise to follow the advice of Epictetus…and get yourself educated!

Until next time,

Leigh 😊

PS Reach out for a chat if your sales culture isn’t where it needs to be!

Thanks Giammarco Boscaro for the great image.

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