Do you expect too much from your sales people?
It’s an easy question but the response is complex. So much depends on your own personal journey and your route to Sales Leadership.
Were you a top-performing sales person…self motivated, self driven and winning mindset?
Then it’s highly likely that you expect too much from your sales people.
You expect them to think like you, act like you and be like you were when you were a sales person. Sadly you’re mistaken…not all people are created this way.
All humans have their own map of the world…their own values, beliefs, filters and drivers.
Only around 10% of any sales team are top performers…so if you were one of those you are unlikely to have the skills to navigate sales people who are simply not built in that way.
Seek to understand
Once you’ve established that you are one of the 10%ers you have to take the steps to understand those that are not…the 80% people in your team. They form the biggest part on your team and collectively will create the biggest wins.
First, you have to let go of everything you hold true for you…how you think, how you act and how you judge.
Get an understanding of how each individual thinks, feels and operates in their world. This means taking time to get to know them. Have conversations with them. Ask lots of questions in order to understand. Not jump in to fix things in the way you would like. Nothing is broken…it simply doesn’t match how you want things to be.
Everyone gets there in their own way
There’s always more than one way to achieve success. How you do it, isn’t the only way…it’s simply your way.
When you allow people to follow their own instincts whilst supporting them with great leadership you open the field for them to shine.
They will always be more committed to achieving their own plan and that’s where you start.
Instead of telling your sales people what to do, you ask them for their plan. If their plan is reasonable you let them roll out their plan.
It either works or it doesn’t. That’s how they learn.
It’s how you learn too. You learn how they think, act and operate. Giving you the wisdom you need to develop their skills, their mindset and grow their sales.
Keep in mind…you can’t influence, develop and grow people that you don’t know or understand. When you don’t truly understand someone, you will simply project what you want on them and that’s not only unhealthy…it won’t get you want you crave.
So get to know them but getting below the surface of what they present to you. The sooner you do that, the sooner you will see your sales increase.
Until next time,
Leigh 😊
PS If you need help getting to know each person in your sales team then get in touch for some quick win ideas.
Thank you Almos Bechtold for the great image 😊