Learn, Action, Master!

Sales training, sales consultant, sales training courses, sales mindset training, sales training programmes, leadership development, Sales leadership coaching, sales leadership development

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Learn, Action, Master!

It’s so easy to learn new stuff…books, video’s, eLearning, live training, experiences, mentors, coaches, there are endless possibilities.

There are 2 ways to process new information. The first is to file it in your knowledge trunk to revisit if the need ever arises. The second is to immediately apply what you learn to see how it works for you.

One is infinitely more powerful than the other.

The Chinese have a proverb…to know and not do, is not to know!

You can see where I’m going with this can’t you? 😉

The knowledge trap

This is such a tempting space…continuous learning creates an illusion that we are growing and moving forward. Yes you are gathering knowledge but you are missing the wisdom that only occurs when you put that knowledge into action.

Over the years I’ve spoken at many live seminars, workshops and events focused on the mindset of success. What saddens me is the number of people that I see time and time again that haven’t implemented anything that is being shared by the speakers.

As an expert in mindset, I understand why this happens…fears, negative beliefs, wounds, traumas, reasons and excuses. These people really want a different result in their lives but the inspiration of learning something new reduces the drive in them to take action. There’s a subtle form of release that makes them feel better about themselves for having done something. The pain is reduced.

Then when it gets painful again they will do another course, attend another workshop or anything that means they don’t have to take action to resolve their issue once and for all.

Don’t let this happen to you…or your team!

There is only one way

If there’s an issue in your leadership or in your sales team, the only way to get a different result is to do something new. Take a new action. Use a new approach. Get the feedback you need. Give someone the feedback they need in order to move from stuck to unstuck.

If what you are doing isn’t working…DO SOMETHING ELSE and keep doing something else until you get the desired effect.

Acquiring information is not the way. It’s not WHAT you know it’s what you do with what you know.

Start small

If you are stuck in the knowledge trap there are some easy steps to get yourself out of there…

  • Start by congratulating yourself for acquiring new knowledge
  • Every time you have a learning experience choose a maximum of 3 actions you could take to create a positive shift in your leadership and team
  • Decide their priority based on the biggest positive impact they have on the success of you and your team
  • Do the most important/impactful one every day until it becomes a habit
  • Move onto the next one
  • Master your 3 actions before moving onto your next learning experience

It looks easy and it is.

You simply need discipline and determination and over the course of the year you become a better leader and your sales team become happier, more motivated and generate more sales.

Give it a go…you’ll be so glad you did!

Until next time,

Leigh 😊

PS If you’re stuck in the knowledge trap and need some help getting out then please do get in touch.

Thanks Kaushal Moradiva for the great image 😊

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