Reflections of 2020

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Reflections of 2020

What a crazy year this has been…a blend of extremes for me.

As we head towards Christmas it’s a good idea to reflect on your year. How has it been for you?

I always ask myself a selection of questions around this time so that I have the clarity I need to start the new year focused on the most important things…the things that bring me joy.

My Questions for 2020

What did I enjoy most?

What did I enjoy least?

What did I miss most?

How have I grown as a person?

What’s been the biggest learn for me?

What will I say goodbye to?

What do I want more of going forward?

This is my list but you may have other questions you want to add.

I love what I do and it enriches my life and serves my life purpose. If you’re in a job you don’t enjoy you may have questions you want to dive into to explore what you would really love to do.

Use my questions as a guide and even if you only ask these of yourself they will give you enough to point you in the right direction.

My headlines

Here are the headlines from my responses.

What did I enjoy most?

How people came together and supported each other.

More time to connect with people…all be it digitally.

Returning to off-road mountain biking after a 14 gap.

Supporting my clients through mindset challenges.

More flexibility with my time.

Eating at home.

What did I enjoy least?

Being on my own and working from home.

The concerns of keeping myself safe against COVID.

Keeping my feisty 85 year old Mum safe.

What did I miss most?

Seeing my friends and family, celebrating, hugging, eating out.

The gym.

How have I grown as a person?

My spiritual practice deepened.

I have a greater understanding of mental health.

I’m a whizz on Zoom.

Delivering live training digitally.

Greater appreciation of the simple things in life.

What’s been the biggest learn for me?

Human connection and touch is vital for my wellbeing.

My positive attitude will only take me so far.

What will I say goodbye to?

Working from an office every day

What do I want more of going forward?


Increasing the ways I support sales people and sales leaders with mindset development.


Give yourself the time

You’ve seen my headlines but it’s the detail where you’ll get the juice you need to make 2021 more aligned to the life you want to live going forward. Be sure to award yourself that time…it really is worth the effort and you totally deserve it.

Wherever you are and whatever you do I wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas. Love others and more importantly, love yourself!

Until next time,

Leigh 😊

Thank you Tom Gainor for the great photo!

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