Ready for 2022?

sales leadership development

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Ready for 2022?

If you’re feeling a bit out of sorts and not inspired to plan your 2022 leadership goals, you’re not alone.

The last couple of years has been the most challenging, mentally, emotionally, energetically and physically.

Don’t give yourself a hard time…relax. There’s no point in rushing to create goals when you’re not ready.

You already have your KPI’s and objectives as determined by the business. These are necessary so that you have something to aim for but generally don’t enable significant changes in mindset and behaviour. If they did…every salesperson on the planet would be inspired and motivated to achieve their targets.

If you want real change you need to set yourself personal development goals…the type where you must grow as a human being to achieve them.

The ones that are important to your leadership development…and these don’t come from a spreadsheet. They come from somewhere inside you. More heart than head if you get my drift.

When you are ready…here are some questions that will make it a bit easier for you.

Try them out for yourself and notice how they change your thinking and behaviour.

Your Leadership Development Questions

  • What is my purpose for this year?
  • What impact do I want to have with my team?
  • How do I want to leave people feeling after an interaction with me?
  • What do I want to be known for?
  • What culture do I want to develop in my team?
  • How can I encourage my team to step outside of their comfort zone more often?
  • Who do I want to grow into by the end of the year?
  • What would be 3 examples of my purpose having been achieved?

Take the time you need

It’s important to give yourself the time you need to reflect on these questions. Once you’ve come up with your answers you can decide on the actions you need to take towards achieving them.

As with all new actions, they take time to embed so be kind to yourself. It’s not about success or failure…it’s about regular progress in the right direction.

Wishing you much happiness and success (whatever success means to you) in 2022.

Until next time,

Leigh 😊

PS Get in touch if you need some help with your Sales Leadership Development Goals.

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