Sales and Leadership Training Solutions

All the Sales Training and Leadership Development you need, delivered when and where you need it

Underperforming Sales Team? Leaders needing support?

We feel your pain! And we know what this can mean. Unhappy sales people, lower conversions, lost revenues, struggling sales leaders…and maybe a few sleepless nights too.  Our 25 years of delivering sales training and leadership development solutions says you can get this sorted. You CAN turn your team around, create great sales leaders, get right back on track… and reap the rewards!

Your Training Solutions

Sales Mindset Training

Gift your team a winning sales mindset, all the skills they need, the right tools – and watch them fly!

Choose our unique Sales Accelerator Training Programmes and we’ll fine-tune the content to build on their strengths – and get rid of the stuff that’s holding them back.  

Leadership Development

We believe all sales leaders can become great, often they just need showing how. It’s a crucial role, now more than ever, and your sales leaders need to be on top of their game. 

Check out our Sales Leadership Development Programmes for details of how you can develop great sales leaders.

Sales Enablement

What support do your sales people and sales leaders need for them to succeed? Mostly, they require a winning growth mindset. This includes a set of unbeatable beliefs, high levels of confidence, and plenty of resilience.

Having these in place provides the crucial foundations for success.

Accelerating Sales and Leadership Success since 1995

Your Road Map…from inception to fulfilment

You’re in good hands…we travel at your preferred pace and we’ll nurture you throughout the journey. We see our clients as partners – working closely together to deliver the promise.


First we’ll explore what your key sales challenges are and how these issues are playing out in your business on a week by week basis. 

Once we agree on the diagnosis….


We’ll present you with a detailed proposal setting out our suggested training solutions and the investment required to achieve your objectives.

A yes and we’ll…


We’ll create a high quality, tailored sales training programme centred around addressing those sales challenges you identified.

Once you’re happy with that… 


The best bit! We’ll deliver an interactive, engaging and enjoyable programme to meet your objectives, addressing the challenges and following up over time to ensure success.

What's Your Biggest Sales Challenge?

Whatever it is, you’re not alone. The challenges you face, whilst unique to you, will be similar to those challenges other sales leaders are facing the world over. When we help clients we discover that the same core issues are often present within sales and leadership teams…

Sales training, sales consultant, sales training courses, sales mindset training

Sales Team?

Missing targets? Falling down on the basics? Prospecting? Rapport Building? Pitching? Closing? That means lost revenue, for them, you and the company.

Building a Top Team

Instil a winning sales mindset, ensure they better understand your customers – and add the latest selling skills.  See our Sales Training programmes here or book a chat with us about your challenges.

sales mindset training, sales training, sales training courses, growth mindset training,

Sales Mindset?

Lacking confidence in themselves? The product? About selling? Won’t ‘pick up the phone?’ Stuck in their comfort zone? Yet plenty of reasons for missed targets?

Create a Winning Approach

Sales skills are one thing, sales mindset is everything! Your sales people know WHAT to do, so what stops them? Transforming your sales peoples’ mindsets could be your biggest win.

sales leadership development, sales leader training, sales leadership training, sales leadership coaching

Skills Gap

Have leaders that are struggling? Still in ‘telling’ not ‘leading’ mode? Not doing enough coaching? Reluctant to tackle under-performance? The team just not gelling?

Developing Great Leaders

With a team to lead and targets to beat, Sales leaders need help. All leaders can become great. How? Check out our Sales Leadership Development Programmes or chat with us to find out.

How good would it feel to resolve these issues?
How bad would things get later if you don’t take action now?

Just a few weeks from today…

sales leadership development, sales leader training, sales leadership training, sales leadership coaching

Inspired, Inspiring Leaders

Strong, resilient leaders inspiring, motivating and coaching a sales team towards its full potential. Leaders communicating clearly, supporting when required and with the confident caring touch when it comes to giving out the tough love


sales mindset training, sales training, sales training courses, growth mindset training

Winning Sales Mindsets

Goal focussed sales people, with unbeatable self-belief, confidently stepping out of their comfort zones and into the success zone. Happier too…and, first rule, happier sales people make more sales


Sales and Leadership Training programmes

More Sales, Bigger profits

Rejuvenated sales leaders + an inspired team = more leads, higher conversions, increased order values…and at least 20% more sales revenue! And much more sleep for you 😊

Sales skills are one thing, sales mindset is everything

Whilst many sales people demonstrate an outer air of confidence, deep down that’s often far from the truth. Many lack that all important inner confidence and belief to step out of their comfort zone to achieve their sales potential.

Conventional sales training simply doesn’t address the inner psychological barriers that get in the way of consistent sales success.

Our programmes uncover those inner barriers and smashes through them to bring about long lasting change in thinking, behaviour…and results

sales mindset training, sales training, sales training courses, growth mindset training

Unsure? Estimate your return here

We’re very confident in our ability to help your sales and leaders generate a 20% increase in sales. To help you understand how that might play out, just enter a few basic figures below and you’ll get an immediate idea of what’s possible. In fact, for the exercise we’ve allocated ‘only’ a 15% sales increase to err on the side of caution 😊.  As we know revenue doesn’t equal profit, we’ve estimated a 20% net profit on sales. We think you’ll still find the potential gains mouth-watering!

Your Training Delivery Choices

Whatever your training need we’ve got it covered. Whichever sales training programme you go with, you can have it delivered in your preferred format, or even a blended mix of formats…

The full ‘in the room’ interactive and social experience; the long-established training method still preferred by many sales teams and leaders

Live, interactive virtual sales and leadership training delivered via shorter, regular sessions is a great option for your remote teams and leaders

Flexible Sales Training Programmes delivered in bite-sized chunks to any of your teams worldwide, accessible 24/7. A very helpful training solution!

Some brands we've worked with

What our clients say…

Instead of us continually telling you this and promising you that, much better we share the thoughts of our valued clients and partners…

Client stories…how it unfolded

Over the years we’ve training thousands of sales people and sales leaders for hundreds of clients. In fact we’ve been so busy moving quickly onto the next client we’ve been slightly guilty of not logging these successes in the shape of a proper ‘case study’. At last we are changing that! . So, look out for many more case studies in the near future.

Sales training, sales consultant, sales training courses, sales mindset training, sales training programmes, leadership development, Sales leadership coaching, sales leadership development

Wright Medical: Leadership Development

Emma and Wright Medical tried other training methods and other training providers. Something wasn’t working. Wright Medical had amazing people in sales leadership roles, but they weren’t getting the kind of training they needed.

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Sales leadership training, leadership development, sales team management, sales growth mindset, sales leadership resources, growth mindset culture, sales mindset leadership

Passion Pictures: Sales Mindset Training

Passion Pictures, like many companies, had experienced many challenges during the Covid pandemic. Having created an extremely strong, dynamic and supporting working culture when everyone worked in the office, team members found working from home much more challenging.

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Are you ready?

You can book a call by clicking any of the ‘Let’s Chat’ buttons and choosing a call slot at a time to suit you. If you would rather message us then leave your details here along with a short message and we’ll respond quickly 

The Sales Consultancy

Leigh Ashton
07932 164873

Jonathan Mills
07970 753664

Recognise anyone?

The Clues… they blame external factors for their lack of sales, the industry, people leaving, budget cuts, their personal life. It’s never their fault. And it spreads. We call it The Valley of Reasons and Excuses. They fall into it, and drag others into it too. Before you know it you’ve got half the team in victim mode. 

When this happens to members of your sales team you have a problem. Whilst they’re in The Valley, their sales will drop, no doubt about that. You’ve got to get them out as soon as possible. 

But what if they were able to recognise the triggers that dumped them in The Valley. What if they could avoid visiting the Valley? And if they did visit The Valley, how can they ensure they are back to normal within minutes, instead of what used to be days. 

They can do this with some simple mindset management techniques.

Latest Sales Leadership and Growth Mindset Blogs

Presenting our latest weekly blogs, full of tips, advice and insights on all things sales training and leadership development. 

Sales training, sales consultant, sales training courses, sales mindset training, sales training programmes, leadership development, Sales leadership coaching, sales leadership development

A Golden Civilisation

I attended an event this week where George Kinder was speaking about his new book A Golden Civilisation. He was captivating and passionate about creating

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Ready to talk?

In two minds? Why not book an ‘Explore’ call? You can ask questions, tell us your challenges and explore the possibilities. You’ll then be in a much better place to plot your next move. 


The Sales Consultancy is a training company that believes that (conventional) sales training doesn’t work! Strange? We’d better explain…conventional sales training doesn’t work because it tends to solely be based around skills, behaviour and process training and instruction. There’s a missing link – mindset. How a sales person or sales leader thinks will ultimately dictate whether they will succeed or fail, no matter how much knowledge they possess.

So, at The Sales Consultancy our programmes are based on giving sales people and sales leaders winning growth mindsets! Be reassured…our programmes are not full of woo woo stuff! Just many powerful sales mindset improving strategies which enable sales people and leaders to shine in their everyday practical working environments.

Most sales people know WHAT to do – and HOW they should be doing it. So why is it many just don’t do those actions that will ‘guarantee’ them success? It’s because their MINDSET is not up to succeed in a demanding selling environment. Most sales people have deep seated and long-lasting psychological barriers, centred around a lack of self-belief, low confidence levels and low resilience, preventing them from consistently achieving their targets.

This is where Sales Mindset Training comes in…to help everyone identify those specific, often unconscious barriers that hold them back, and replace them with a sales growth mindset that properly prepares them to go on to achieve success in sales – and love it too!

Specifically, you can expect the very results that you agree with us after you’ve called us in to tell us the challenges you are experiencing. So, though these challenges will be unique to each of our clients, we generally say you can expect a 20% increase in sales, as a result of your team being much happier, more productive and displaying much more confidence, self-belief and resilience.

We’ll travel to wherever we need to to ensure your sales teams and leaders get the training and support agreed. Bear in mind too that we can deliver training live over Zoom, Teams etc via eLearning. Indeed several of our clients are now preferring a blended approach, with in-the-room sessions being complemented by live virtual and elearning content. All our programmes are designed to be interchangeable across the potential delivery formats.

The concept of a Growth Mindset was originally developed by psychologist Carol Dweck and popularized in her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. A sales growth mindset focusses in on the Key Principles or traits that the most successful sales people and leaders consistently demonstrate, for example ongoing curiosity, situational awareness, team focus, taking ownership.

Check out or leadership programmes for more detail. To be clear, develop a sales growth mindset and you will achieve much more personally and professionally.

Each method of training delivery has its pros – and the odd challenge. When choosing, things we would talk through are the nature of your business, the sales and leadership challenges you are currently experiencing and want to resolve, the location of those likely to attend and so on. For a quick introduction to the characteristics of each delivery format, check out our ‘pros and considerations’ table on the Live in person, Live virtual and eLearning pages on this website.

Bear in mind too that our programmes are designed to be interchangeable across each of the potential delivery formats, and several clients are now opting for a blended approach, making for a varied programme tailored to the learning styles of their teams.

We’ll need a minimum of ten sales people for a ‘live in person’ session. If the group is made up of leaders only, then we can drop the minimum to six. Regarding numbers, and how the group size can change for live virtual sessions and eLearning courses, it’s really better to contact us and let’s talk it through!

Not at all! The programmes you’ll see throughout these websites tend to be our core ‘flagship’ programmes that are perfect for many clients (the content is based on Leigh’s 30+ years in sales and leadership. Bear in mind we tailor the delivery specifically to the client’s needs we’ve identified well before we start delivering.

Our guiding principle is flexibility… and other clients choose shorter programmes, often as an introduction, and follow on with additional programmes over time. And if you’ve identified challenges in your sales teams or leaders that aren’t addressed in any of our programmes, we’ll create one for you.

Yes. Our programmes are designed on a modular basis and, post-covid are becoming increasingly ‘blended’ anyway. Several of our clients now tend to begin a programme with a live in person session, receive the middle sections of the programme by Live Virtual or eLearning means, before rounding off the programme with a final in-person session.

To specifically answer your question, if you initially decided on an ‘in the room’ programme and then decided to switch to live virtual or eLearning half way through, this can be done (it happened during lock down and worked really well!)

First, we would never get to the end of the training programme before establishing it doesn’t work. That’s because of our pre-programme preparation, and our ongoing liaising with all stakeholders throughout the programmes, meaning that we can tweak and focus the content to ensure that it always does work. Then, after the training programme has been completed we will continue until the mission has been accomplished and everyone has got what they need from the programme.

To back this up we provide a guarantee for the effectiveness of our programmes, based on achieving the objectives we jointly agree at the start.

Leigh Ashton leads all live training sessions whether in person or virtual. All of our on line courses feature Leigh too. In certain circumstances Leigh may invite guests to appear at live or virtual sessions as part of a training day. Finally, and depending on our clients’ training needs, we may ask one of our specialist associates to contribute on selected modules.

Anywhere! Your place. Our place. A neutral venue. We discuss this with you. The main things being we have certain requirements of a training environment and as long as those are met, we’re good to go.

It’s different of course with remote learning whether live or pre-recorded eLearning modules. Often delegates tune in from their homes or work locations anywhere in the world. All they would require is a decent internet connection and a peaceful learning environment!

Most of our eLearning courses will take no longer than 15-20 minutes to complete. These bite sized chunks of learning are ideal to learn a concept or technique and be ready to use it in their role.

We believe strongly in an action orientated fully supported personal development environment, and so most of our courses require those on the programme to choose the actions they will take to bring the learning to life – and take them. And be supported throughout by their manager.

Typically…first an exploratory chat to drill down on the challenges your experiencing and what your solution to these challenges would look like. With your agreement we draw up a thorough training proposal indicating how we suggest your objectives can be met, and what level of investment would be required on your part.

Upon the go-ahead from you we then create the agreed training programme and tweak as necessary. With your final sign off we’ll agree dates, groups, locations…and then deliver! Throughout the roll out process we’ll continue to monitor feedback, engagement and performance of each attendee and discuss with you any changes required. Once the main programmes are completed we’ll report back in full, and conduct any one-off sessions required to ensure objectives are met.

Yes is the short answer! Let’s expand though… we will travel anywhere in the world to deliver face to face training. Secondly your sales people and leaders could tune in to our live virtual sessions from wherever they are in the world – all they would need is a decent internet connection. Finally, our eLearning courses can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and of course at any time, according to the needs of those attending.

Why Sales Mindset Training?

Sales Training…even those very words can often lead to trepidation amongst sales people who get led into the sales training room only to be fed the same old, same old, same old. It shouldn’t be like that. Yes – anyone in sales should have a grasp of the tried and tested techniques that we know and use.

But…have you experienced sales training that really gets to the root of why some sales people don’t consistently hit their targets, why they’re not always motivated, why generous incentives don’t seem to inspire them to be proactive?

Whatever your challenges as a Sales Leader…there’s a solution for you. One that doesn’t only produce results for a week or two…one that lasts way beyond the duration of the training programme. If you want training for your sales team that…

…AND gives you a money back guarantee if you don’t get the agreed results, then get in touch